Sunday, January 22, 2012


5 days from today Dave and I will be in Haiti.  We will be with our son.  So crazy just writing that!  Our son!  I am so excited to hang out with him.  I want to learn so much about him in the 4 and 1/2 days we are with him.  We do have 11 years of lost time to make up for. 

I am feeling very overwhelmed about this trip.  My mind feels like it is processing a million thoughts, anxieties, questions and emotions all at once.  I want the time to be fun and the connection with him to be as natural as it was the last time we were with him.  This time is different though.  Before we didn't have a clue that he was going to be a part of our family.  Now we have a responsibility for Andy.  This is huge!!  We are parents of a child that will not live under our roof for a while.  How do we deal with this?  
I frequently have these freak out moments when I realize what we have signed up for.  I don't feel prepared or capable of taking on this challenge. I could go on and on about the fears and questions that I have.
Then I picture his smile and remember how much I love this boy.  He is a gift to Dave and I.  We are the lucky ones to have him.  That's what I want him to feel on this trip.  I want him to know how much we already love him and how special he is.  

If he can feel that love then we have done our job. 
So please pray for us this week.  Pray for safety. Pray for our (my) sanity. 

Most of all, pray for our Andy.

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